Harness Your Natal Chart for 2025 Business Success

October 10, 2024

Raven O'Neal


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Unlock the potential of your natal chart and gain valuable insights to inform your business plans for 2025. By aligning your strategy with your unique astrological blueprint, you can optimize opportunities and navigate challenges with celestial savvy. Set yourself up for a prosperous year by harnessing the wisdom of the stars!

That’s right! Your astrological chart offers a wealth of insight into how you can align your business strategies with your cosmic strengths. Whether you’re a bold Aries launching startups at the speed of light or a meticulous Virgo running an empire with spreadsheets and checklists, the stars hold some golden nuggets of guidance.

In astrology, various factors can influence your approach to business and entrepreneurship. One often overlooked aspect is the role of the 12 houses. To gain deeper insight, take a look at Kathryn Hocking’s informative post exploring the significance of the 12 Houses in Business Astrology.

While no single astrological element is universally “the most important,” several other key elements in your natal chart can provide insight into your business tendencies and success potential. Here’s a breakdown of what to focus on in your chart for running a business and aligning with your natural strengths:


  1. Midheaven (MC): For career direction and public image.
  2. Second House: For financial management and income generation.
  3. Sixth House: For daily work routines and operational success.
  4. Jupiter and Saturn: For business growth and discipline.
  5. Mars: For entrepreneurial drive and competitive spirit.
  6. Sun and Ascendant: For leadership and brand identity.
  7. Mercury: For communication and strategy.
  8. North Node: For aligning your business with your life’s purpose.

Midheaven (MC) or 10th House

  • What it represents: The Midheaven is the highest point in your natal chart and governs your career, reputation, and public image. It reveals your ideal professional path and how you’re perceived in your chosen field. The sign on your Midheaven gives clues about the career that would best suit you and how you can achieve long-term success.
  • Why it’s important for business: The Midheaven guides your professional growth and public life, indicating the type of career or business where you can thrive. Look at the signs and aspects of your Midheaven to understand the kind of work you’re naturally inclined to do.

Want to dive deeper and apply this insight to the sign ruling your Midheaven (MC)? Head over to the Backyard Banshee and Emily Nachazel to discover how this astrological guidance can be tailored to each zodiac sign, helping you align your business plans with your unique celestial energies. Bonus: Try branding your business with your MC in mind at Eliza Design Studio.

Second House

  • What it represents: The second house rules finances, resources, and personal values. It provides insight into how you handle money, assets, and material wealth. Learn more about the Second House over at InStyle.
  • Why it’s important for business: This house tells you how you generate income, your money management style, and the types of investments or business ventures you’re likely to succeed in. Planets in or ruling this house can show where your financial strengths lie.

Check out this Medium article to discover how tapping into your 2nd house sign can boost your financial and business success.

Sixth House

  • What it represents: The sixth house governs your daily work routines, work ethic, and service. It relates to how you approach your day-to-day responsibilities and how organized or disciplined you are.
  • Why it’s important for business: This house influences how you handle the day-to-day operations of your business, including your work environment and relationships with employees or coworkers. A strong sixth house can indicate someone who thrives in structured, detail-oriented business ventures.

Learn more about the 6th house over at Astrostyle.

Jupiter and Saturn:

Like Martin Short and Steve Martin sang in The Prince of Egypt, “You’re playing with the big boys now.”

  • Jupiter: Jupiter represents expansion, growth, and abundance. In business, Jupiter’s position in your chart reveals how you approach growth, luck, and opportunity. Where Jupiter sits can show where you have natural business luck or expansion potential. Check out this Medium article by Abhishek Soni to learn more about Jupiter and its placement in your natal chart.
  • Saturn: Saturn governs discipline, hard work, and long-term success. It shows where you may face obstacles, but also where you can achieve lasting success through diligence. Saturn helps you maintain the structure necessary for business sustainability. Learn more about specific Saturn placements in the houses on Alice Bell’s Substack and related to sign placement over on Vice.


  • What it represents: Mars is the planet of action, drive, and ambition. It reveals how you take initiative, assert yourself, and pursue goals.
  • Why it’s important for business: Mars shows your entrepreneurial drive and how you handle competition. Its placement can tell you how and where to direct your energy and take decisive action in your business.

Tune into this YouTube video by Sophia Pallas to learn more about harnessing Mars in your business. You can also check out this video by Natalia Benson on YouTube to explore Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars all at once.

Sun and Ascendant

  • Sun: Your Sun sign represents your core identity, purpose, and leadership style. In business, it governs how you express yourself as a leader and your overall direction.
  • Ascendant (Rising sign): The Ascendant governs how you project yourself to the world. For entrepreneurs, this is how you present your brand or business identity. You can also harness the power of your Rising sign in your branding, learn more over at The Business Mystic.
  • Why they are important for business: These elements show how you approach leadership and how others perceive you, which is critical in running a business and building a brand.


  • What it represents: Mercury rules communication, intellect, and strategy. In business, it reveals how you think, plan, and communicate.
  • Why it’s important for business: Your Mercury placement can influence how you negotiate deals, market your business, and build strategies. A strong Mercury can make you a skilled communicator and strategist, both essential in business.

Discover the unique communication style inspired by Mercury’s placement in your chart in this Vice article. To further harness its potential, read it again with your business in mind and uncover how to apply these astrological insights to enhance your professional communication and boost your entrepreneurial success.

North Node

  • What it represents: The North Node signifies your life’s purpose and karmic path. It’s where you are meant to grow and evolve.
  • Why it’s important for business: Aligning with your North Node can help you pursue a business that is in line with your deeper purpose. By understanding this placement, you can create a business that not only brings material success but also spiritual fulfillment.

If you’re interested in diving deeper, check out The Cut and Mind Body Green. For guidance on unlocking your full potential and purpose, tune into Natalia Benson’s podcast, which can help guide you toward fulfillment and success.

Each planet and sign influences different aspects of your business, from daily operations (6th House) to career ambitions (Midheaven) to how you communicate (Mercury) or handle money (2nd House). Understanding your natal chart’s placements can help you align your entrepreneurial efforts with your strengths, opportunities, and challenges.

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