Makeup on the Move: Yay or Nay?

August 27, 2024

Raven O'Neal


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Is it rude to apply makeup on the subway, or just a clever way to multitask?

The original article appeared on The Cut by Jennifer G. Sullivan.

Opinions vary, but many New Yorkers seem to have a relaxed attitude toward makeup application during a commute. While some grooming behaviors like clipping nails or brushing teeth are widely frowned upon—viewed as unsanitary and intrusive—makeup often gets a pass, depending on the product and technique.

For most, subtle touch-ups like applying mascara or lipstick are perfectly fine. Activities that require minimal tools and don’t produce debris are generally accepted. However, anything that involves loose powders, sprays, or brushes that could send particles flying is often met with disapproval. Riders typically draw the line at things like applying blush or spraying perfume, which can invade personal space or affect air quality.

The consensus is that as long as your beauty routine stays contained and doesn’t inconvenience others, applying makeup on the subway is considered acceptable. You might get a few curious glances, but it’s likely more out of admiration for your steady hand than annoyance.

Still, it’s worth noting that what’s considered normal in New York might not be welcomed elsewhere. Visitors from other cities or countries might find the sight of someone doing their makeup in public surprising—or even inappropriate. So, while you’re free to save time by getting ready on the train, be mindful of your surroundings and remember that different places have different norms.

Read the original article by Jennifer G. Sullivan over on The Cut.

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About the Author: Raven O'Neal

Raven O'Neal is a globally recognized business strategist, entrepreneur, and podcast host empowering women in business. She challenges norms, amplifies women's voices, and supports entrepreneurs through tailored strategies, engaging discussions, and global initiatives.